Hugsanlega hættuleg samskipta"öpp"

stulkasimiÁrið 2013, var 12 ára stúlka lokkuð frá heimi sínu af 21 árs gömlum manni. Þegar þau hittust, þá tældi hann stúlkuna með sér á Mótel og misnotaði hana. Hvernig kynntist þessi barnunga stúlka þessum hræðilega ókunnuga manni?

whisper 3076810bÍ gegnum "app" sem kallast Whisper á sjallsímanum hennar (já, sem foreldrar hennar gáfu henni). Whisper er eitt af mörgum hættulegum smáforritum "öppum"sem allir foreldrar ættu að þekkja og vera meðvitaðir um  hætturnar sem þeim geta fylgt.


"Slæma fólkið" geta nálgast börnin okkar á meðan þau eru inn í herberginu sínu og við foreldrarnir í næsta rými. Eina sem þarf til er sjalltæki tengt internetinu. En þeir sem ætla sér að misnota barn á einhvern hátt er ekki eina hættan sem fylgir þessum tækjum. Þar fer líka fram net-einelti og efni sem börn ættu alls ekki sjá eins og klám og ofbeldi. Stöðugt er verið að búa til ný smáforrit "öpp" og þess vegna er mjög mikilvægt fyrir forledra að fylgjast með hvaða forrit þau eru að hlaða niður hverju sinni og vita hvaða hættu gætu fylgt.

Hér er nýlegur listi fyrir forelda að skoða og ræða við börnin sín um: 

wisperWhisper - er forrit sem leyfir hverjum sem er að birta leyndarmál sín nafnlaust og leyfir spjall við alla sem búa í næsta nágrenni, án þess að viðkomandi þurfi að segja hver hann/hún er.

Af hverju gæti forritið verið hættulegt:  Mögum börnum/unglingum finnst spennandi að eiga í samskiptum við ókunnuga og eru að leita eftir því að spjalla við jafnaldra sem þau þekkja ekki og halda að leyndarmál sín séu örugg hjá þeim frekar en vinum og kunningjum. Þetta "app" er tilvalið fyrir þá sem eru að leitast eftir að misnota börn/unglinga sem eru í næsta nágrenni við það og það er mjög auðvelt að "dulbúast" sem einhver jafnaldri.

yik-yak-diy-icon-102YikYak  - Allir sem nota YikYak eru nafnlausir og geta birt athugasemdir til allt að 500 manns sem eru með sama forrit (og eru í 1-5 mílna radíus). Haft var eftir sálfræðingi að þetta væri eitt hættulegasta smáforrit sem hann hefði nokkurn tímann séð af því að “það gæti breytt skóla í sýndarveruleika spjall herbergi þar sem allir gætu birt skoðanir sínar og athugasemdir nafnlaust. "Komment" sem væru ósönn, illgjörn, skemmandi fyrir einstaklinga. Stutt skilaboð sem allir sjá um leið og þau birtast í nánasta umhverfi.

Af hverju gæti forritið verið hættulegt: This app is causing problems in schools across the United States, with students maliciously slandering teacher, staff, and other students. In fact, several schools have now banned smart phones from campus because of this particular app.

Kik - A free app-based alternative texting service that allows texts/pictures to be sent without being logged in the phone history. (Similar apps: Viber, WhatsApp, TextNow)

Why It’s Dangerous – Makes it easier for your child to talk to strangers without your knowledge since it bypasses the wireless providers’ short message services (SMS). Children also think they can “sext” without parents finding out. In addition, strangers can send your child a “friend request.”

Snapchat – Allows you to capture an image or video and make it available to a recipient for a specific time. After that time limit is up, the picture/video automatically disappears forever…or so Snapchat claims. (Similar apps: Poke, Wire, and Wickr)

Why It’s Dangerous – Kids can receive (or send ) sexually inappropriate photos. This app also makes kids feel like they can “sext” or send inappropriate pictures without consequences because the image will self-destruct automatically. The truth is that nothing sent over the internet disappears. There are always ways to retrieve and capture those images.

Vine – Allows users to watch and post six second videos. 

Why It’s Dangerous –While many of the videos are harmless, porn videos do pop up into the feed, exposing your children to sexually explicit material. You can also easily search for/access porn videos on this app. Predators utilize this app to search for teens and find their location. Then they try to connect with them via other messaging apps.

ChatRoulette and Omegle– These apps allow you to video chat with strangers.

Why It’s Dangerous – Not only are users chatting with strangers, they could be chatting with a fake stranger. “Chat sites like Chatroulette and Omegle have done their best to produce systems that warns users when the people they are chatting to are potentially using fake webcam software, however developers still manage to slip under their radars with frequent updates.” So a fifty-year-old man could set up a fake webcam and use images from a 15-year-old boy that looks like a teen celebrity to convince your child to send inappropriate pictures or get information about your child’s location.

Tinder – Users post pictures and scroll through the images of other users. When they think someone is attractive they can “flag” the image. If that person has also “flagged” them in return, the app allows you to contact them.

Why It’s Dangerous – This app, and similar apps such as Down, Skout, Pure, and Blendr, are primarily used for hooking up.

Poof – Hides other apps on your phone. You select which apps you would like to hide and their icons will no longer show up on your smartphone screen.

Why It’s Dangerous – If children have apps that they want to keep hidden from their parents, all they have to do is download this app and “poof,” their screen is clear of any questionable apps. So, if you see the poof app on their phone, you may want to ask them what they are hiding.

What Now?

Remember, your child’s safety is more important than their privacy. As a parent, you aren’t being nosy by checking their cell phone on a regular basis; you are being responsible. Perhaps your family could establish family media rules, such as having to check with a parent before downloading a new app or game. Having a common charging area so you can easily check phones could also be a good system for your family.

Also, take the time to explain to them (at an age-appropriate level) why you are asking them questions and checking their phone and privacy settings. Many children do not realize just how much information they are putting out there and how dangerous it can be.

If you have an older teen, and find some questionable apps on their phone, it may be a good opportunity for a discussion. Here are a few conversation starter ideas:

Conversation starter for YikYak– What kind of things would a person want to post anonymously? How would you personally use this app? What would you post anonymously? Why?

Conversation starter for SnapChat – Why do you want to send pictures that disappear? Would you be okay with anyone seeing that pic?

Conversation starter for Whisper – Why would you tell your secrets to strangers? If you are struggling with something, will a stranger care or be able to help you? Do you think it would be safe to accept their help/friendship?

Conversation starter for any app – Are you being safe with that app? Are you encouraging others or tearing them down? Are you being bullied? Are you putting out too much information about yourself?